I have been slacking lately, I have had so many distractions and I havent been able to work on cartoons for a while. Iv'e only been able to get an hour of work in every other day, it sucks! School has been a bitch, and I can't find any time for animating because I have been giving 110% in keeping my grades up. I should have my latest Cristo cartoon on here soon, I just need to get lines from one more person and finish the last min of the cartoon. I can have it done in a week or two, then I will get started on my new Cristo Series!
The new series introduces 5 new main characters, along with the original 3. The episodes are no longer random, there is now a story line, and each character has an importance in it. I won't say anymore unfortunately, you will just have to wait. Oh by the way, all the original characters have had slight changes made to them so they have more personality. Here is the new Rubin, I hope you like it!
Very excited for the new series! Always liked your stuff! I know what you mean by school being a major bitch heh. Keep at it man! :)
Thanks! It's always nice to have a fan!